It is hard to believe that this is my 9th year as a dental hygienist at KDA! All I can say is time flies when you get to do what you love. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month and our past attempts of offering free screening days at our office have had little response. Last March I spoke with Dr. Kizer and told him that one of my personal goals for 2020 was to encourage more patients to get oral cancer screenings. We found out that same day that the office was going to be closed for 2 weeks due to Covid-19. Then the world turned upside down. We missed the whole month of April and part of May. My goal of more screenings was no longer able to be a priority. Now that April is here again and we are settled into our “new normal”, I am getting back to that goal. I want to help conquer your screening concerns and encourage patients to be proactive with their health. I have been thinking about the top 5 reasons patients give me when they decline an oral cancer screening. Hopefully, this information will help encourage others with the same concerns.
Reason #1: “I don’t smoke or drink, so I think I’m fine.”
While smoking and alcohol use, especially together, are two of the major risk factors for oral cancer, ongoing research has identified several others.
- Human Papillomavirus: HPV is now the leading cause of oropharyngeal (back of the mouth) cancer. Oral HPV infection shows no symptoms. You can have HPV and pass the virus without ever knowing it. Fortunately, HPV-related oral cancers respond well to treatment especially when diagnosed early.
- Tobacco Use: This includes all forms, not just cigarettes. Cigars, pipes, snuf, dipping, and chewing tobacco. E-cigarettes and vaping devices are considered tobacco products by the FDA. More research is needed to establish a direct link between the use of those devices and oral cancer, but we do know they often contain carcinogens and the chemicals and heat produced by the vapors can cause cellular changes in the mouth.
- Marijuana Use: The use of Marijuana can cause HPV- related tumors to grow more quickly.
- Age: This type of cancer can develop in people of any age but those over 45 are higher risk.
- UV Exposure: Prolonged sun exposure or UV lights from indoor tanning increases the risk of cancer on the lips.
- Poor Nutrition: Low levels of vitamin A, C, and beta-carotene which is usually due to a low intake of fruits and vegetables.
- Poor Oral Hygiene: This is also linked to several other types of cancer including pancreatic, liver, stomach, and lung.
Even if you do not fall into one of these higher risk groups, the CDC recommends a yearly oral cancer screening for everyone over 17. Why? In 2017 the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons reported that 25% of oral cancer cases had no known risk factors.
Reason #2: “I’m in a hurry today.”
This screening is so quick and easy! It takes less than 5 minutes!
Reason #3: “I only want what my insurance covers.”
More dental plans are covering this screening but there are a few that have not caught up to the standard of care. It took years for insurance companies to begin covering sealants which are now considered preventative care. Fortunately, this screening is very inexpensive! If you cannot get yours done during one of our free screening events, the fee is only $15.
Screenings will be FREE every Wednesday during the month of April.
Reason #4: “I don’t want to know.”
This one breaks my heart. The fear of a bad result is totally understandable, but not knowing does not make cancer not exist. As with any cancer, early detection saves lives. It is especially important in cases of oral cancer as treatment at an earlier stage is less invasive.
Reason #5: “I don’t like it.”
At one time the screening involved using a vinegar base rinse that was nasty tasting. This is no longer used at KDA! We now utilize the Star Dental Identafi oral cancer screening system which uses three different wavelengths of light (white, violet, and green-amber) to detect abnormal tissue in the mouth that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The science behind this system is impressive! It involves the fluorescence and reflectance of the mucosal tissues which greatly reduces the chances of a false positive. The dentist or hygienist will wear special glasses to enhance what the lights reveal. After dimming the overhead light, they will shine the Identafi lights in your mouth to check all the tissues (cheeks, tongue, floor and roof of the mouth, tonsil area, etc.). They will also manually check the floor of your mouth, your jawline and neck for any unusual lumps. So easy and painless!

I hope this information encourages you to get your oral cancer screening. If you do not want to wait until your next dental checkup or if you are not already a patient at KDA, call (901) 767-4882 to reserve an appointment. Oral cancer screenings will be FREE every Wednesday during the month of April because your health is our top priority.
Melissa Roberts, RDH